Social protection for people with disabilities – international experiences and theoritical framework in Vietnam

15/09/2015 01:56

Recently, in Hanoi, Institution of Science Labour and Social Affairs (MOLISA) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) held the Conference on Social protection for people with disabilities – international experiences and theoritical framework in Vietnam. Asso.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong - Director of ILSSA; Mr. Axel Neuber, Chief Representative of HSF Office in Vietnam co-chaired the event.

Social protection for people with disabilities – international experiences and theoritical framework in Vietnam


In recent years, people with disabilities have been one of the key subjects concerned by the social security system in Vietnam. Despite of many difficulties, the Party and State have paid special attention to the disabled community by the specific policies and regimes. The legal system and policies for people with disabilities have been improved.

Social security systems in Vietnam had the function of ensuring a minimum income, in which ensuring the minimum standard of living to protect people from poverty; Enhancing capabilities of risk management, supporting people to prevent, overcome risks and help them overcome the crisis; Promoting decent work; Improving the efficiency of social management to promote cohesion and social development.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong said that the system of social welfare policy in Vietnam ensured the Rights of PWDs and recognized them as part of the workforce, created an equal environment without barriers for people with disabilities; Improved the quality of life care services, education, healthcare, transportation, information technology ... It was necessary to  reform of administrative procedures, enhance system monitoring, enforcement and social socialization, decentralization and strengthen the participation of people with disabilities.

According to the statistics, there were 800,000 people with disabilities who have been received monthly social benefits, more than 10,000 people with disabilities cared in Institutions of Social Assistant nationwide. At the same time, Vietnam established more vocational training model to train for people with disabilities at business establishments, households; However, it was the small number of agencies, units and enterprises, business attracting workers with disabilities ...

At the conference, domestic and international representatives have shared their experience in promoting social integration and employment opportunities for people with disabilities; the role of the public sector, the private sector, the unions, self-help groups and the role of people with disabilities in the implementation of policies on social security for the disabled. While, the conference also gave the specific directions for the study, modifying and supplementing the provisions inconsistent concerning people with disabilities, especially in vocational training and employment, education for integration, healthcare; vocational training and job creation.

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